Bear with us while we move! The Global Baby will be temporarily closed until Fall 2022. Please email us with questions or concerns!
Bear with us while we move! The Global Baby will be temporarily closed until Fall 2022. Please email us with questions or concerns!

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Houghton Mifflin

Goodnight, Veggies


As the sun begins to set, the tomatoes are tuckered out, the cucumbers are calm, and the beets are simply beat. But what's got them all so exhausted? Celebrate the turning of day to night in this perfect bedtime ritual for plants—and humans—everywhere!

By Diana Murray, illustrated by Zachariah OHora (2020)

11 x 8 3/4 inches; 32 pages; hardcover

We source all of our products from small fair trade organizations and brands that prioritize their employees and the Earth over their bottom line.
We believe in the value of books, play, and early literacy. That's why we have created a collection of heirloom toys and classic and contemporary picture books lovingly curated by our resident children's librarian.
Let us help you find the perfect gift for the little ones in your life!