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Years ago, dreaming about a business that would allow us to travel internationally and make a positive impact, we started to imagine bringing some of the incredible, unique goods that we had seen created around the world home to share with other Americans. After diving into research, we discovered a lack of shops focused on fair trade and ethically produced children's goods—despite the unbelievable array of brands dedicated to social responsibility and environmental stewardship producing adorable clothing, toys, and décor for children. We wanted to share it with the hope that it would inspire you to incorporate a global treasure or two into the lives or playrooms of the children you love.

Reading around the World

As the idea for The Global Baby developed, we also knew that there was one important missing piece—books. As a book editor and former children's librarian, Susan felt that it was extremely important to connect the products that we chose to sell with picture books—including ones that tell the stories of people from the countries of The Global Baby's makers. To share the gift of books with both our gift recipients and children around the world, we also decided to donate a portion of The Global Baby's profits to global literacy efforts.

Susan & Peter

Susan has a lifelong love for children's books and toys and a passion for literacy. She loves to share book and toy recommendations, as well as her experience with children's literature, reading, and child development.

Peter is our numbers guy. He is an avid world traveler, and his global adventures were the inspiration behind The Global Baby.

Thank you for visiting!

We are so excited for you to join us on our journey to bring fair trade and ethically produced children's goods from around the world to the children in your life.